We continued to learn JavaScript in week 3, focusing on functionality and constructing our own libraries of functions. We also got an introduction on how to place JavaScript on a web page so that the results of the code show up. There was also some review on html and css; I was particularly interested in constructing buttons. On Friday, we had an exercise in which we set up a web page using html and css (which we hadn’t used significantly since week one) from a diagram. The web page I made was less sophisticated than I had hoped for, but this is something I can work on in the coming weeks.
I got another chance to present my code to the class for discussion. We also worked on some team projects, and I’ve been impressed with the results from collaboration.
We were introduced to prototypes in JavaScript, which didn’t make sense to me until Jim went over one of the exercises, and I realized that prototypes are a way to associate a function with an object. It’s generally easier and more effective for me to understand an aspect of code when it is put into practice, beyond just reading about it.
I anticipate even more progress in the upcoming weeks.