The Value of Your Own Web Development Project

When I was in the midst of my Full Stack Bootcamp, I was involved in a project where one of the requirements was to access an API. The instructor came by to the evaluate the proposal, and questioned the value of the project. He said why would anyone use the project when one could look up the same information on Google?

I didn’t have an answer then; I do now.

Back when I was taking the Front End Engineering Bootcamp, I made my own Astronomy Picture of the Day (this is encouraged by NASA, using their API). The images on this page show my version and NASA’s version of the APOD. In my opinion, my version is cleaner, less cluttered, and shows only the information that I’m personally interested in.



Similarly, yes, I can find out the local weather through any number of local weather apps. But I created my own through the Open Weather API, and it delivers a personal weather report giving all the information I want (and no excess information that I don’t need to see). I also coded a 7-day-weather forecast for an input city, and coded a current weather display for an input city. I use those to check out the weather where the Twins or Vikings are playing. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s accessible to me.

My movie search through the OMDB, is, I feel, much less cluttered than a Google search of a particular movie, and is also quick, easy, and accessible.

In summary, go ahead and make your own apps, even if you can get the same information elsewhere!