Reflections on the Fourth Week at The Iron Yard

This week we learned more techniques for using JavaScript code to place items onto a web page. The code we reviewed to do this seemed somewhat complicated, so I “diagrammed” the code and went over it with Jim (our instructor) to make sure that I understood the functionality correctly.

The class format on weekdays (Monday-Thursday) generally has a lecture in the morning, and lab (working on programming tasks) in the afternoon. Friday is entirely dedicated to the lab work. I’ve started to notice that I tend to reach an impasse about 2 pm, when I think to myself, “what the heck does all this mean, and am I ever going to be able to understand it?” Fortunately, Jim is available to answer my questions and point out what steps I can take next, at which time I’m able to continue with the assignment.

This is the main reason I prefer a classroom learning experience to an online learning experience. The lectures allow me to ask questions at the time the time the material is presented; later, in-person advice and guidance is equally valuable to me when I’m in the midst of processing new information.

This week the data we used with JavaScript came from an API (application programming interface). The particular one we used was the Marvel interface at An API is a database kept by an entity which allows developers (programmers) to access its data through a particular protocol. Programmers can get a key that allows them entry into the API; they can then gather the data and display it. In this case, the results can be visually spectacular with the large number of superhero and comic art available that Marvel offers to developers to use.

I’ve checked out other APIs (and browsed through a directory of APIs to see what’s out there), and I’m highly motivated to get to know how to use them, because there are a lot of exciting APIs out there, and I’m eager to try them out.